Purchasing Contacts


Every year, I get a little bit more blind. I can either wear glasses or contacts each day, but if you are like me (damn, low-nose bridge!), you prefer to wear contacts. You would be very surprised to learn that I buy my contacts at Walgreens. Why? Because they are legitimately where I find the cheapest contact lenses. Surprise surprise.

Ok, so let me start by saying that I probably have the most expensive daily contact lenses you can buy -Acuvue Oasys 1-Day For Astigmatism (damn astigmatism!) - and it's quite annoying. Last week, I went to Lenscrafters and they quoted me $47.00 per monthly box (Are they crazy?!) meaning that contacts would cost $1128.00 for the year (12 boxes for each eye = 24 boxes a year). Lenscrafters said would give me a 15% discount if I bought a year worth, so my total cost would be $958.80 all in.

However, I have consistently been able to get cheaper contacts elsewhere. In fact, just ordered from Walgreens and got the exact same contact lenses for $27.30 per box ($655.20 for the year). That's a savings of 32%!

Here are my steps to cheaper contact lenses:

  1. Get contact lens prescription (Lenscrafters charges anywhere between $50 to $150)
  2. Buy online through Walgreens.com (I've also had luck on ContactLensKing.com)
  3. Use Honey or Wikibuy
  4. Save $$

Pros: Save $$

Cons: Takes a minute more of your time :)

Link: https://www.walgreens.com

Tip: Right now, there is a 20% off code on the Walgreens website, but use Honey or Wikibuy, and you should get a 30% discount.